Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The 27th of December

When I left to move my car this morning it was around -7 degrees F.  Thankfully it is only about a 10 minute walk to the parking garage.  Tomorrow we will be out most of the day so I won't need to worry about on street parking.  I do miss having a driveway.  There are aspects of living in the city that are nice.  Being able to walk to many things like the grocery store is one of them.  Not having a driveway to shovel is good, not having a place to park a car can be problematic when the snow falls or when the closest parking has a 2 hour limit. 

Some sorting of my stuff happened today, but not a lot.  I was looking at the empty box and realized that not enough of what came out of it is leaving my possession.  Things got put away, which is good, but I need to concentrate a bit more on removing some of these things from my world.  For whatever reason all I want to do is eat.  This has to stop as I think it is my brain trying to avoid getting rid of things.  Something I saw somewhere discussed how the brain doesn't like change and will create obstacles. 

Today my happy is that my son has a new job.  He interviewed today and starts tomorrow. He will have some health insurance soon.  Very happy about this.

Peace and good night.  'PS

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