Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 31st

It is snowing!  Not sure if that is really a good thing, but it seems right.  The winter has been rather mild so far, a little bit of snow if fine.  Hopefully I will feel that way in the morning when I go to shovel.  After writing my blog last night I watched a YouTube video about packing for the trail.  I know I will have more weight than I should and really need to consider ways I will be able to cut back.

For today my happy is getting the trash out to the curb before the truck came to pick it up, having a dog to snuggle with, and being able to chew again-even if just on one side.  I had an apple and some salad and nuts and dried fruit.  Oh, how I have missed some of these things since the dental stuff started.

It isn't obvious from the picture but the ice is not safe... there is no way to get onto it.


January 30th-not much for me today.

Mondays have become the day in which I try to concentrate on work.  I am not sure I started the week off well in that regard.  I started later than I wanted.   I allowed myself to sleep in the morning and finish taking care of laundry and dishes rather than leaving them for another day.  My kids cleaned out the shed today so I also looked a bit in there to figure what I wanted to keep.  Even though I began later than I wanted I still got home just before 4 AM.  I didn't work on any of the jobs I wanted to today as one phone call from my manager changed everything around.  So I will write this and watch a YouTube video about the trail and get some sleep.

My happy for today is honey in my cereal and maple syrup in my smoothie.

Oh, no!  I even forgot to take a picture today!  😭

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The 29th of January

The first month of the year is almost over and I have no where near as much accomplished as I had hoped.  There was a tiny bit of progress made on the house today and a larger part accomplished in my head.  Tomorrow I am back to work after having the last 3 days off in a row.  Of course, I volunteered half of that time, at least, but it is still nice to put the day job on the back burner of my mind.

Breakfast out with the family is today's happy.

I tried to get a picture of the sunset through my rear view window.  I was parked when taking the picture.

Not parked for this one.  Shh...  

Saturday, January 28, 2017

January 28th Birka

Today I volunteered my day to help at the gate for the event A Market Day at Birka.  It has been a fun day amidst the counting of money I was able to visit with some friends.  That is my favorite part of events followed by the learning and practicing of hobbies.  Tonight I plan to visit with more people and decided to blog early.  I didn't take many pictures but may add some later.

Today my happy is spending time with friends.  Also, the very wonderful gifts from a friend of honey and maple syrup from his farm.  Yum.

This is the sign for the Merchant Hall.  It is named in memory of Baron Olaf who first envisioned this popular event.

The picture doesn't show all the colors of green my daughter's hair is.  I find it quite lovely the way all the shades look braided together.

My son and I late in the evening.  The tiaras were in response to a fun challenge that was put forth by the local Baroness.  

Friday, January 27, 2017

January 27th. Birka Friday

Greetings Fair Reader,
Today began the 2 day SCA event called A Market Day at Birka.  This is a medieval event that takes place at a hotel.  I assist with running the gate.  I used to run gate but I have trained others so I try to step back now.  We expect between 1500 and 2000 people to attend.  For more information visit www.sca.org.

Hugs from friends but especially from my son are today's happy.  It is so great to have my son home, even if just for a while.

Hunter, Gideon & I took a walk this morning and that is when I got the picture of this brook.  I will try to get some event pictures for tomorrow.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The 26th of January

Tomorrow is the first day of the local SCA event called A Market Day at Birka.  Hunter & I are spending the weekend at my daughter's home with her family.  Their place is a little closer to the event but this will also allow us to carpool and extra hands to watch Hunter.  My day has been very busy.  I got home around 4:30 this morning and to bed just after 5 AM.  My alarm went off just after 7 so I could get to my chiropractor appointment followed by the dentist.  My dentist didn't like one of the crowns that was made for me so I now have one temporary and one permanent crown.  This means that half of my mouth I should be able to chew with again tomorrow.  The other half I will continue to be careful with until the replacement comes in.  I stopped at the store and picked up Hunter's medication and went home just long enough to play with him for a few minutes and headed to work. Came home and packed up for the weekend and headed to my daughter's.  So, what did I do for the AT?  Well, dental work.  Making sure my teeth are in good shape as well as my eyes and the rest of me is important.  This weekend will be all about Birka.

My happy for today is laughter.  The app I am using to help me build new better habits wants me to celebrate the routines.  I chose to do a nice belly laugh as my reward.  This is a habit that I used to do and it helps improve my mood.  There is something about laughter that really is a good medicine.  And then there are turkeys and face numbing things to be happy about too.

Turkeys in the road on the way to the chiropractor.

My face is numbed on the bottom on one side and the top on the other.  Drinking was challenging.  😵

January 25th

This morning I got a wake up call from my son.  He is driving here from Kansas and was looking for some conversation to stay awake.  He will be here Friday.  He will be my hiking partner for at least part of the trail. We will have lots to talk about when he gets here and after the big SCA event this weekend.

There is an app that I have been using to help work on getting better habits.  It is helping.  The app is called Fabulous.

My happy for today is talking with my son this morning.  I am looking forward to seeing him.

I didn't take any pictures today.  😕  Instead I am sharing a link for the YouTube person I have been watching, Homemade Wanderlust.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The 24th of January

The rain/snow/freezing rain/sleet etc was a challenge to shovel today.  It took just over 1.5 hours and I didn't get all my driveway cleaned off.  Previous storms this year it has taken a little more than 30 minutes.   My upper body got a good workout.  Maybe too much though because I was having a hard time lifting my arms a few hours after starting to work. 

My happy for today is that I got the shoveling done by myself.

Me after shoveling.

My car has been many miles...

Who comes up with these names??  
What part of the word dishwasher sounds tasty??  😝

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 23rd, Monday

Mondays, I have decided, are going to be a work day.  Today I had to take care of some medical stuff too, but generally Mondays will be for getting as much done for my job as possible.  I started using an app a while back to remind me to do things thus turning them into habits.  So far I am at drink a glass of water when I wake up, have breakfast and exercise for 8 minutes.  Depending on my work schedule that 8 minutes may be all I get.  It is all I will try for on Mondays.

I fell asleep last night watching YouTube videos apparently.  I have a vague memory of hearing something about a locator that one would leave at the camp site while hiking so that they can find the camp again when finished.  I have no idea if this is a real thing or something I dreamed!

My happy for today is seeing the trees on the way to work with just the lightest layer of snow-like someone sprinkled powdered sugar on them.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

January 22nd-Patriot's win the AFC Championship Game

Hunter and I walked 4 miles today.  I didn't wear my day pack because it was supposed to rain and I couldn't put my hands on a rain poncho.  We got home before anything more than a light mist.  He was pretty tired by the time we got home.  He seems fine now though.  

I spent a little bit of time researching backpacks.  There are 3 I am currently considering through REI.  They are Osprey Atmos 50 AG EX Pack, Gregory Maven 55 Pack and REI Co-op Traverse 65 Pack.  If I don't like them when I see them I will adjust my search criteria.  

For today my happy things are long walks and visiting friends for crafts and watching the football game.  I think that means I had a pretty good day.  😊

Some random pictures from the walk.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

The 21st of January

Well, I didn't make it to REI today.  I got a later start than I wanted and I slept well.  Worked all day and got a little overtime.  Tomorrow I will have off.  Last night I watched some of Homemade Wanderlust's YouTube videos on her hiking of the Appalachian Trail.  I found her when I searched something about hygiene on the trail I think.  I will probably watch more tonight.  I also need to research packs some more.  I have decided that is probably my next purchase.  One of the things the woman in the videos talked about was taking the trail by the waterfall to get to the start of the AT and that it is a killer first hike.  I have heard that from others as well.  Definitely something to think about and discuss with my son when he comes to visit.

The things that I am happy about today are sleep (I know, I have said that a lot lately) and smiling faces.  One of the jobs I did today it seemed like there were more people smiling while out shopping than I tend to notice.  It may just be because it is Saturday and everyone was out with family.  Whatever the reason it was nice to see.

Random shot of the clouds while sitting in traffic today.

Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20th-Inauguration Day

Not sure why I decided to title today with Inauguration Day.  I didn't watch or attend it.  I did call my doctor concerning the prescription I am on and will no longer be taking it.  The side effects were minor but were the opposite of what I was hoping for.  I also worked today and actually got home before 10.  I am going to watch some YouTube videos about the trail tonight.  Tomorrow I hope to work early so I can come home while it is still light and get some things accomplished.  Or finish work and head to REI.  Decisions....

Today my happy is that Hunter has been off his medication for almost a week and he is still doing fine.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday, January 19th

After working last night and getting home as the sun was coming up I showered and went to a doctor appointment followed by sleep.  Called in sick for the day... not like I hadn't already worked some, but that counts for yesterday.  Cleaning and reorganizing some things around the house happened and I actually made some noodles for dinner tonight.  Tomorrow will be a full work day.  Saturday I am hoping to feel well enough to go for a walk.  Pretty sure I am not supposed to do too much that will be stressful for my body for the next few days.

My happy for today is clean sheets.  haha!!  More importantly it is that I accomplished some things around the house that I have been wanting to do but not had the time or energy to do.

My dash board and some lovely snow covered trees.  Soon after this the sun warmed and melted much of the snow causing the snow mush to fall.  

The 18th of January, Wednesday--Just a short happy thing.

I am writing this Thursday morning about an hour after getting home from work.  I have showered again and fed Hunter and will be heading out for a doctor appointment shortly.  Since my time is short, I am just posting a happy for the day.

For Wednesday my happy is rabbit prints in the snow.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

January 17th, Tuesday

Today I finished listened to 'Touch the Top of the World' by Erik Weihenmayer.  He is blind and climbed to the top of Mt Everest.  Hiking the Appalachian trail is something that I am working towards.  Climbing Mt Everest, or any of the other highest peaks in the world are not on my list of things to do.  For some reason, I just feel like I had to put that out there.  I got the audio book from the library again to help inspire me more towards my goal.  Motivate, rather than inspire may be a better word.  I need to get out and walk more.  I had been doing very well with a good routine of walking before mid autumn.  Now I am in a funk and am looking for motivation to get out there.

My feeling on the matter is that I am overwhelmed by so much to do including working, usually more than 40 hours a week.

Enough of that...

Happiness is coming home to a happy, playful dog.

Earlier today there was very little snow.  Driving home from work tonight, it was snowing.

Monday, January 16, 2017

The 16th of January

Whatever good mood I had the other day that I thought was due to enough sleep is gone.  It is gone and I feel I had an okay night's sleep last night, around 7 hours I think.  I am no longer as exhausted but I still just wanted to crawl back into bed this morning and sleep more, which I did a little.  Tomorrow I hope to rise early and put in a very long day at work.  Wednesday I hope to take partially off.

I am re-listening to a book entitled 'Touch the Top of the World' by Erik Weihenmayer.  Erik is blind and the book chronicles his life through climbing the 7 tallest peaks in the world.  This I am doing to remind me that I don't have as many challenges as others who have reached goals greater than mine.

My happy for today is that I have been on call for work for the last 3 days and there were NO problems!  I am still behind, but there were no phone calls or people calling in sick.

The lake seems to have a lovely layer of ice.

It was talking this morning.  

Sunday, January 15, 2017

January 15th Because

Denial. I am in denial of thinking I will ever hike the trail.  I did try to take a small step today in getting the house more ready by trying to clean the side yard up a bit.  The ground is too frozen.  Last time I tried it was too wet.
I had a meeting this afternoon for an upcoming SCA event.  I found myself getting stressed over the small conversations about whether to do things one way or another and things that normally would not have stressed me like that.  It was a different type of stress.  I went there looking forward to seeing people and in the end, I realized that I was a little overwhelmed.  There were only about 20 or so people.  I haven't even entered the woods and I am already prepared to be mostly alone?  I am not sure if I should classify this as a good thing or not.  If a room with 20 people is suddenly feeling a little overwhelming, what will I do at the event in 2 weeks where we could see 2000?  Today I colored.  😊

A year or 2 ago I printed out the below and had my daughter fill it out with me (I was driving):

This has been tacked to my wall for quite some time but I never look at it.  As I sat down tonight in this state of denial I thought about it.  Perhaps I should read it more often.  Not once did I answer because I enjoy being completely by myself for extended periods of time.  Ideally, my son will be with me most of the journey.  When I say with me, I figure we will meet up on a daily basis, share parts of the trail and wander separately as well.  He has other commitments for part of the summer too.
There is also 'When I successfully thru-hike the Appalachian Trail I will...'  and 'If I give up on the Appalachian Trail I will...' that I may share another time.

Today my happy things are dinner out with a dear friend after the meeting-she loved the penguin socks, and coloring.  I also got a gift from friends that is a calendar to color.
And speaking of socks, my emoji socks are another happy for today.  😎

Saturday, January 14, 2017

The 14th of January

Last night I slept for about 8 hours.  Today I felt pretty good.  Actually, the best I have felt in quite a while.  I am not sure if there is only because of sleep or not, but I am sure that it helped.  Today was mostly work... what day isn't?  Maybe I won't work tomorrow...

Hunter's vet called this morning and his blood work came back normal.  Now to see if he stays that way without the prednisone.

When I got home from work tonight the moon in mostly full and the stars were bright.  I briefly considered setting up the tent in the backyard then realized it is 25 degrees out and changed my mind.  The stakes won't penetrate the frozen earth.  So I wimped out..

For today my happy things are Hunter getting better (finger''s crossed), sleep, and a warm home.

Penguin Socks!!

Night sky early in the evening.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday, the 13th of January

What a lovely day it was today.  After Hunter had his blood drawn at the vet I decided that we should take a short walk.  It has been a while, the sun was shining and the internet told me that is was 43 degrees out.  I had some old shoes in the car that I swapped my newer sneakers for so if I got wet, I would still have dry shoes for work. I parked right at the path entrance for the Conservation Area and decided that we would just walk a mile so I could get ready for work.  About 2.7 miles later we finished up.  The first thing I noticed was how the woods smelled like ice.  Hopefully I will be motivated to walk again tomorrow.

Today my happy is the smell of ice and the tree a hugged.

For the 12th of January

My appointment at the dentist took longer than anticipated today.  The night guard was adjusted and then 2 temporary crowns put in.  I had no idea what to expect and I want to imagine that there should be a better way to fix teeth than what is done.  I don't know what that is though and don't have a dental background in my head to draw on to figure out something new.  Taking care of my teeth is one of the things that I will be able to check off my list for preparing to hike, once the permanent crowns are installed in 2 weeks.  After my teeth are okay, I need new glasses-2 pair.  Being on the trail and having something happen to my glasses and not having a spare set would be unfortunate.  Some other things that I need to take care of over the next few weeks include getting a passport, a will, my taxes done, and a bank account for the trip.  Mundane things that need to be done.

I will admit that right now, none of this is real yet.  I don't expect it to be so until I am on the way to Georgia...

Today, my happy is my dentist.  The man has passion for his job.  He seems to enjoy it so much.  I would love to talk with him about it but there is always something in my mouth!  haha!  It makes going there a little easier somehow.  He seems to just be a happy guy.

Clouds and my windshield. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

January 11th

Wonderfully useful information in the AT Guide, of course.  At least one map has a place that only Verizon cell phones work.  Laundry facilities, WiFi, banks, outfitters... a very well put together guide.  I suppose years of hiking the trail one gets a good idea of what is needed.  There seems to be a fair amount of water sources that I have noticed so far.  Thinking about it though, 5 miles is a lot longer when going up a mountain than it is when flat.  So many businesses have grown in the areas around the trail, for the trail.

My happy for today is that I finished work today before midnight and early this afternoon I chatted with a friend and received some useful advise to help me get going in the morning.  I think sleep might help the most though.  

Hunter playing fetch today.  It has been warm and the snow is mostly gone.

The 10th of January

Thank you for reading,  Today is very short.  I worked overnight last night and again tonight.  I am tired and unable to get into a good routine when I keep ending up working so late.  Once this bump is behind me I hope to get out and walk again.

My happy for today is that Hunter is still doing well.  It is like nothing ever happened.

I even forgot to get a picture today... but here is an accidental picture.  😜

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Monday, January 9th

It has been a year since my friend Olaf passed away.  Tonight on my drive home from work a truck similar to his got in front of me on the highway and then suddenly just slowed way down for no apparent reason.  Just seemed odd...

My day was spent getting work done on my car, seeing the vet again with Hunter and working.  No real prep.

My happy things for today are that my vehicle passed inspection and that Hunter probably doesn't have cancer.  The vet still isn't sure but he thinks that it is an autoimmune disease called ITP.  We go again on Friday for another blood test.  I am still not sure if this should be a happy thing, but it seems better than cancer.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

January 8th

My car has new brakes!  Special thanks to V for replacing them for me and D for putting up with me.  :) Brakes and work seem like all I did today.  Hunter seems to be doing so much better, but tomorrow we shall see what his vet says.

One of the things that my son wants to do on the hike is to do as much of it barefoot as he can.  I am considering this as well.  I have been listening to a series of podcasts lately called Outside/In.  One of them dealt with running shoes, sort of.  They talked about the science and fads and reasons behind certain shoes, specifically the Vibram Five Fingers.  They also talked about the benefits of running barefoot.  It seems that each method has its own unique benefits and injuries.  Here is a Youtube video about the Barefoot Sisters.

Today my happy is that Hunter is feeling better and again my brake man.


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Saturday, January 7th

It has been quite the day.  My daughter (K) and grandson came by and she was going to stay at the house and sort stuff while my grandson, Gideon, and I went to my cousin's (D) house so my cousin could play with Gideon and her husband (V) could guide me in replacing the brakes in my car.  Hunter was still not feeling well this morning so instead I took him to the vet.  We aren't sure what is wrong yet but anemia is a symptom.  He seems to be doing better now but I take him back the the vet on Monday for more tests.

K and Gideon went to run some errands and Gideon ended up with his other grandmother instead of with D.  While they were gone I tried to change a fuse in my car and killed it.  At least temporarily.  Late in the day D & V came by and it was working.  Did I mention that it was snowing?  They are some very special people.  To cut the story, the brakes are getting done tomorrow instead and K and her husband, Z, helped sort a bunch of stuff still before heading out.   I did a little more cleaning and I am going to sleep very soon.  Tomorrow I hope to replace my brakes as much on my own as possible.  Oh, and I called out of work today because of no car.

My happy for today is that I some how have some very special people that help me out when I need them.  Very, very grateful for them in my life.

When Hunter started feeling better he got to roll in the snow.  🐕

Friday, January 6, 2017

January 6th

Something is wrong with Hunter.  He isn't his normal self.  It doesn't quite seem like one of his seizures.  He hasn't had one in a really long time.  So there is my concern for tonight.

This week has pretty much been a wash as far as exercise for me is concerned.  Really hoping that next week will go better.   I have been thinking about which trail to take to start the hike.  There are 2 from what I have read and been told.  One starts about a mile down the trail so you basically go south a mile and turn around to head north to Maine.  The other is going along the Amicalola Falls Trail which is about an 8 mile hike, just to get to the starting point.  At this point I am planning on driving to Georgia and letting my daughter take the car back with her.  I am seriously thinking about doing the first day using a day pack and having my daughter meet us at the beginning point and picking up the big packs from the car on the way by.  Just something to consider....  I have decided that I don't want to try to keep too much of a schedule.  If I don't finish before the weather turns, I will finish next spring.

My happy for today is the shooting star I saw on my drive home tonight.  I suppose that it technically happened on the 7th instead of the 6th, but my day hadn't ended yet.  It was the kind that looked like it broke through and landed somewhere, not just skimmed the surface of the atmosphere.  Most likely it still just skimmed.
Also happy that I completed all the jobs I set out to do today.

Fresh Snow.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

January 5th-Thursday

Working all night the other day took its toll on me and I got up much later than my original plan.  I go to bed and have all these wonderful plans for the next day and then can't get myself motivated come morning.  What eventually got me out of bed was my neighbor knocking on my door to give me a gift (see happy below).  It still took a few minutes after that for me to really get moving.  Really hoping that this will change soon and I will be able to better motivate myself again.  I used to be a morning person.

Last night I watched a few You-tube videos about the trail.  So much useful info out there.  Much of it I had learned before.  The woman in the video used baby powder in her hair to help keep it fresh.  I was thinking of baking soda.  I have been washing my hair with baking soda for a few weeks now, vinegar is the rinse.  See this site for more info.  Baking soda has a few uses and I like the idea of bringing items that can multi task.  It can be used to clean dishes, deodorant (I have been using it for a few years), reducing odor in my sleeping bag as well as my shoes, teeth brushing, and as a shampoo.  It can help reduce the odor in a yard where pets urinate too.

My happy for today is that I got a gift and it is useful.  Back story... Last summer I was working so much I was hardly ever home and I had no time to take care of the lawn.  My neighbor took it upon herself to mow the yard for me.  One day we were talking about the amount of cars that they have parked all over the place.  There are at least 4 licensed drivers that live there in a very small house.  Apparently the moving around of vehicles had been causing some anxiety among the people living there.  I offered to let her use my driveway for her car.  I can fit at least 4 cars and live alone, having a car in my driveway more often than not is a good thing.  It is winter now and I have had to shovel the driveway a few times and will, no doubt, have to quite a few more before the season is over.  She came over to help by cleaning off the cars the last storm (her hand was broken, so no shoveling) and we got to talking.  I told her what I did for a job and how much driving I do and she bought me a dash camera for my car.  I don't know how I will thank her for this.  Part of me thought I should just return it to her, then I realized how much more shoveling I would be doing and that she has been using the driveway for almost 6 months I think.  So I am keeping it.  I certainly didn't expect a gift, but it is much appreciated.

Sun setting today.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January 4th, National Spaghetti Day

Very little got done today in regards to planning for my hike.  I worked until after 5 AM and didn't get home until close to 7.  I had to stop and nap to be a safe driver.  I fell asleep around 7:30 I guess and slept through my 10:30 alarm waking around 12:30.  At which point I jumped out of bed to get ready to go to visit my niece who returned to Idaho today.  Hunter got to go too.  There was a Christmas present of balls for him and I got another present too.  It is a game that the players move pegs to get to the top of a mountain.  She also gave me a cool magnet with a saying that is just perfect.  

After visiting I brought Hunter home and went to work.  Laundry is in, I am going to write after I finish this and I am having a can of soup for dinner.  Had I realized that today was National Spaghetti Day before choosing soup I would have made that.  

Considering how little sleep I have had I will call it a day and get some rest.

My happy is Hunter getting to spend time with some of his favorite people.  :) 

January 3rd

This morning I chose sleep over a walk.  I did do some crunches and stretches so it wasn't a complete loss in the exercise department.  Most of the work for my job I was hoping to do yesterday I ended up doing today instead.   The holiday hours have messed with my schedule.  There are stores I was hoping to work late into the night at that closed early.  

So instead I am working the late job now, well, I am taking a break but I have at least 3 more hours I think.  It will be a long day. 
I did some writing this morning and did some planning on the house emptying with my daughter.  I am dragging my feet on the emptying of my house.  It is an overwhelming task.  

I started going through the AT Guide I got for Christmas this morning.  It is full of useful information from what I can tell so far.  Maps and lodging info, facts and a treasure hunt.  Very cool. 

My happy for today is Hunter playing.