Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31st

There was a passing storm late this afternoon.  Some of the clouds were pink.  The pictures don't capture them well as I remember.

I spent a fair portion of the day at my house sorting through stuff.  I have 2 boxes ready to shred or burn.  There is a filing cabinet and at least one more box that I am hoping to go through before Saturday when the town is having a shredding event.  I feel the need to at least skim through every envelope.  I found $40 in an envelope that had a coupon in it today. I must have had cash back when I used the coupon.  It certainly reminded me why I was going through things so thoroughly.  So it was a mostly productive day.  It started with breakfast out with family and friends, then getting stuff done at the house, miscellaneous errands, and back to my daughter's with things to help dinner get prepared.  Throughout the day I played catch up with some folks.   I even worked on my geology classwork some today.

My yard needs some serious tending to, but the azaleas and rhododendron are doing well.

Right now my happy is resting with a heating pad on my back (I sorted things in a poor position) and hopefully the TEDx talk I found to watch on YouTube once I post this.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 30th-Vlog

It was another no picture day, but Gideon and I made a Vlog.  😀

Scanning my memories of today, what should my happy be?  Pizza for dinner?  That I ate well with a salad for lunch?  Both times I was really hungry and they were so good.  That my hand is feeling a bit better?  That I got out of bed without getting on Facebook or playing games on my phone first?  All these are good and things for me to be happy about.  I think I will choose deleting Polytopia from my phone today as my happy.  That game has been sucking the life out of me.  Gideon and I played a game together this afternoon and then I deleted it.  He still has the game so we could still play together, but I can be done.  Tomorrow I go to clean out some of my house-without the Polytopian distraction.  😯

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day--short blog

For some reason I feel I am having complete writer's block tonight.  I took no pictures to share.  The day was cool and partly rainy.  My daughter came back from her weekend camping trip.  My son-in-law is having car problems.  We had to get a jump start when we stopped to get gas today.  Later I got to drive the car home.  It gave me no problems at all.  That is my happy for today.  Knowing how to jump start a car and wanting to are totally different things.  :)

Memorial Day Wiki Page

Re-watching this talk on depression to remind me that my life is good, I just need to work on strategies.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

The 28th of May-Sunday-done

Morning post... there will be more later:
I woke up early this morning when I wanted to sleep in.  Watched some hiker videos.  Reminded myself that I need to walk more.  Reminded myself that one of the things I wanted to do on the trail was to come up with some kind of poem/rhyme every day.  Last night, driving home looking at the sky, I had words I wanted to write and was driving so I couldn't.  I should have.  It all sounded so much better in my head than what I typed into the blog last night.  I've been reading a book on poetry writing and it recommends writing things down and editing later.  My things are generally fluff and off the cuff.  I don't expect to win any prizes, they are just for fun and to get out some of what goes on in my head. But the big thing is that I should be practicing more.  I'd love to add a rhyme a day to my happy a day but I know that is too much to ask of myself right now.  There may be rhymes coming though.  Readers, you are forewarned.  😉

Here is the 'more later:'
After writing the above I slowly got myself moving towards taking a walk.  By the time I was ready my son-in-law and Gideon were up too and wanting to get out of the house.  They were going to walk around the city and try to find a bunch of the Bicycle Art on display.  So we all went walking.  We grabbed some food while we were out and meandered around town.  Below are way too many pictures.

And the Vlog:

All in all today was a good mellow day.  It was fun wandering around and exploring the city.  I went down some side streets I hadn't gone to yet.  I had what could be a great business idea if I follow through with it, but I doubt I will.  Today was filled with many happy moments.  My happy for today will be this rhyme:

Put on your hat
Where's the sunblock?
We do need that
It's time to walk

Down to Main Street
We'll leave the car
Just use your feet
It's not too far

To see the bikes
With hair and spoke
For little tykes
To make a joke

With moss or horn
Blue, red or gold
Flowers adorn
Some new, some old

Dinosaur rides
On a red trike
Bikes on all sides
Which do you like?

Window shopping
And for relief
Yummy topping
At Orange Leaf

Back to mundane
Call it a wrap
We're home again
Time for a nap

Saturday, May 27, 2017

May 27th

This morning I spent playing Polytopia with Gideon and going through old files.  I have been playing way too much.  Today it was good to play with Gideon for a while though.  After lunch we went to my house, got the mail and visited for a few minutes with my brother before I dropped Gideon off with his dad at work.  They went off to have adventures and I went to work.  Today's job was about 5 miles, maybe, from REI so I went there after I finished the job.  They are having a big sale until the 29th.  I had a bunch of dividends from my purchases last year and I ended up getting a Camelbak hip pouch for way less than the ticketed price.  I had a 20% off coupon that I totally forgot to use.  Anyhow, I will not be able to wear a backpack for a while due to my hand and arm problems.  The pouch I got has 1.50 L reservoir.  Since it connects to me at the waist instead of the shoulders I can use it.

On the way back I just kept looking at the sky.  The sun was getting low on the horizon and the cloud cover seemed grey, but was really grey-ish purple and pink.  Close to the sun there was an opening where the rays came through.  I tried to get some pictures...

And when the computer decides that I am online I will post some.  Watching the sky is my happy for today. The computer being stupid is not.  😁

Friday, May 26, 2017

May 26th-Friday

A link that Gideon mentioned in the Vlog.

Other than my hand doing much better my happy for today is the many cloud formations I saw today while driving.  The picture below was taken in a parking lot with just the wispy clouds on the hill, but the clouds changed constantly throughout the day.  It would be rainy and just overcast and then the sun would break through and there would be different types of clouds and then it would get dark and rain again.  Weather happened today and there was beauty in the changes.  :)

The 25th of May

It was a rainy day ending in my reading some of a book on writing poetry.  As I turned off the light a realized that I haven't done my blog yet.   So I am trying to do this on  my phone.  In the past this hadn't worked well.
It was mostly a stay in kind of day.   I had an...incomplete thought apparently and fell asleep!!  So it is the next day and I think I will add my happy and some pics and post this.

My appointment with the Occupational Therapist happened late in the day and I had very little tingling in my pinky and only a bit more in my thumb.   That is my happy for this day.   That is a huge improvement over earlier this week.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 24th- Cemetery Day

Every year,  a week or 2 before Memorial Day,  some members of my family get together to plant flowers,  usually geraniums,  on some relatives gravestones.  We make a day out of it and sharing time and memories with family is my happy for the day.

This was aside the road on the way today.

Lily of the Valley growing among the Hosta.

Gideon with a worm!

What nature decided the cemetery needed for flowers.

Beaver dam?

Plots with a view.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The 23rd of May-too tired to write much

Two appointments and working from home today.  My daughter and grandson did the trip with me today.  We went by my house so she could check out the pavilion to use this weekend at an event.  The roof had ants... no idea what attracted them there.  They didn't appear to do any damage.

When we were driving home I took some pictures of the highway-side woods.  The floor of the woods is turning green again.  It was lovely.

The rock is lovely too.

For today my happy is how I am looking forward to tomorrow.  Tomorrow we spend with family traveling to different family and friend graves to plant flowers for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend.

Monday, May 22, 2017

May 22nd

The Vlog:

The Blog:

Doctors...  This morning I saw the orthopedic doctor about my hand again.  Last month when I saw him I didn't feel like he listened to my concerns before sending me on my way.  Today I brought my son-in-law.  Today I felt like he took the time to listen to and answer my questions and concerns.  I am not sure if he ever saw my comment from my last visit or not, but I am happier with today's outcome.  He wants to follow up with me still and seemed to have forgotten that I was there at the recommendation of the neurologist and that I still will be following up with him in July.

A few year's back I was going with a relative to her appointments with her as kind of an advocate.  We were with her cardiologist going over all the things that had been happening with her and he kind of wanted to know, but mostly wanted to know if it was anything that had a direct relation to her heart.  Which on the outside makes sense, he was the cardiologist, that is his specialty.  So often though we had been finding overlaps.  It is all one body after all, made up of multiple systems that have to work together for us to be healthy.  She had the cardiologist, a nephrologist, a hematologist, a vascular surgeon, gastroenterologist, and of course her primary care.  There may have been more and spell check is telling me some of those are not spelled right.  Anyhow, sometimes a condition is obvious and other times there are underlying causes.  In my opinion the specialists don't always look at the big picture, and should.  That is what all this rambling was getting to.  Thanks for reading.  :)

Today I cleaned my room.  Over the last week or so I have brought back things from my house to here and I went through some of the stuff and organized it.  My happy today is a more organized room.

I forgot to take pictures when I was out today,
So you get a Pokemon.  :) 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunday, May 21st

This morning I had a small amount of work to do.  It took longer than it should have to do because I kept trying to come up with a way to short cut what needed to be done.  So looking for a shortcut took too long.  Lol.

This afternoon I visited a friend for a walk and weaving circle.  I brought a bag of crafts and books to sort through since weaving and most crafts are out of the question right now.  It was a nice visit with friends.  Came back to my daughter's house with dinner for the 2 of us and watched some Grace and Frankie.  Now I am starting to stress over my doctor visit in the morning... I wasn't crazy about this doctor, maybe tomorrow will be better.  My son-in-law is supposed to be coming with me.  My hand and arm are doing better, but not completely better yet.  This week, with more work and driving, it has kind of stagnated.  Just a little tingly, but enough to know that it isn't better.

That said, my happy for today is the healing capabilities of our bodies and minds.  My overuse syndrome/carpal tunnel is small compared to many things... but so often we heal and overcome obstacles... often without even realizing we have until we look back on it.

We have a long road ahead of us, let's make it a beautiful day.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

The 20th of May

Usually I use a GPS when I am going to my different locations for work, even when I know where I am going.  I do this for a few reasons, but mostly so that if there is some kind of construction or traffic a new route is easily obtained.  The last few weeks back to work I have been using the GPS in my phone rather than the TomTom and the location is one that I hadn't been to very often so I really didn't have it memorized yet.  Last week I didn't use the GPS and drove by the exit.  I had to pull over to set it up.  This week I tried to find the right exit and not use the GPS.  I got off the exit I thought was correct and went on my way.  I kept looking for things that were familiar, a pond, a stream, something.  Although things mostly looked sort of right, I was not sure so I pulled over and tried to get the map program up on my phone.  It wouldn't load.  The sign I went by implied I was heading to the right town (36 miles away) but I wasn't sure if it was the same road I always took.  Maybe this road would lead me to a different part of town?  Eventually I went by a street name I recognized and realized the problem.  Between this week and last the leaves had opened up just enough to make the landscape all just that much different.  Sometimes, seasons change and we don't notice, too busy with our day to day lives.  My happy for today is the small nuances of change as time and seasons pass and the beauty within them.

Friday, May 19, 2017

The 19th of May-Friday-short

Again,  I am ready to fall asleep as I write this.  So it will be short blog tonight.  That is easy since I worked most of the day.  I stopped at the house between jobs to pick up a few things and check the mail.  I chatted (well, texted) with a friend for a bit.  It is so nice to hear from people... I am not the one generally who calls, but I enjoy getting them, or texts.  😊

Today's happy is friends.  And sleep-must sleep.  😴

The water was very choppy today.
Aren't the clouds lovely?

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The 18th of May, Thursday -- Edited with the video

Two miles walked this morning.   Every lilac I pass I try to breathe in its fragrant flowers.   They are so short lived.   One yard I passed was full of life with sparrows,  a squirrel and a pair of pigeons.   The remainder of my walk I had Bert singing in my head.  

My district Manager called today and I have more work.  I had intended to send her an email asking what other things she thought I could do, but she beat me to it.  So I took care of some things and worked some today.  Yay!  I need a paycheck.  

On the way home there was a thunderstorm. I pulled over and shot a few videos, here is where one would be if I could get my phone to connect to the computer.  Perhaps trying again in the morning would be a good idea.

Here is the aforementioned video of the storm...

My happy for today is Nature, the bright parts that sunshine, the cloudy that bring rain, even the freezing that bring snow.  :)

Flowers for the table.

 Another of the storm...

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 17th-short blog

This morning I walked a little over 4 miles.  Other than that I pretty much took it easy.  I did some laundry and finally completed Lesson 2 of the geology course I am taking online.  Gideon and I played a game of Candy Land.  End result of the day is that I am exhausted and just want to sleep.

This morning's walk is my happy for today.  There were actually people who I walked by that said hello.  THAT doesn't happen very often in the city.  I went out, walked about 2/3 of a mile and realized I forgot my fitbit.  Finished that part of the walk and went back to get the fitbit.  Then did that part again (stairs included) and then around the big block of the house before coming back.  First walk 1.14 miles, second (with the fitbit) 3.02 miles.  It was hot out today.  😎

I sort of traced the view outside my window with window crayons.


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The 16th of May - Vlog

The weather today was warm and sunny.  A far cry from the cool and rain we have been getting.  Windows are open and freshness is coming indoors.  I went to the library today for a book on Geology to go along with the class I am taking.  The book I chose as sort of a reference to go along with the course seems to be an old school book complete with questions at the end of each chapter.  No answers, so I won't be using it that way.  I am hoping it will just be good to give me some additional information every once in a while.  So far I have only completed the first lesson.  I have read, watched and listened to the 2nd lesson, but not made the time to sit down and complete  the assignments.  The other book that I came across while looking for that one is called Underfoot: A Geologic Guide to the Appalachian Trail, by V. Collins Chew.  Hopefully I will get a chance to look through it at least.  All this brings me to today's happy, the Library.  The course I am taking is free through the library, the books to help me with the course I got at the library, I also checked out 2 audio books (1 fiction, 1 non-fiction) at the library and I still have 2 non-fiction out from a few weeks ago.  📚

Sorting through things today I found this cool Jack Skellington hat.
It used to belong to my son.  😉

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday, May 15th

This morning's rain was nearly forgotten with the lovely setting sun.  Today was an errand running day and a work on the house day.  I was hoping to more done on the repairs but once again ran into small problems that I didn't have the time and parts to make right.  My son-in-law was able to help with the two handed and heavy stuff.  We all went out to a local seafood place for supper after and I got some onion rings-which I have been craving lately-with my meal.  Tomorrow I will go back to the house after my chiropractor appointment.

My hand and arm are slowly getting better.  There are still things that are causing the tingling but it is happening less.  Unfortunately, driving is still one of the things that brings about the tingling.

Moments...The ones that make us smile or laugh or gaze in wonder, that is my happy for today.

Azalea is blooming.

I pulled over into a parking lot to look at the sky for a moment.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day! May 14th

We spent the first part of the day at home.  Well my daughter and I did.  My son-in-law brought home breakfast from Friendly's Restaurant and then brought Gideon to church with his family.  My daughter and I had breakfast (cinnamon bun pancakes) and set to work on a cleaning binge.  She managed to mess up her shoulder yesterday and my hand is still not completely better so we didn't get as much done as we would have liked but there is much improvement.  My son-in-law came back after dropping off Gideon and helped too.  Later in the day we brought Chinese food to my daughter's in-laws home and had a nice visit and a game with them.  Is there a word for what their relation to me is?

During the day I had a nice long chat with my son and caught up with him.  He has been working with his father in Texas on a special project and is looking forward to that being finished so he can find something else.  It sounds like he has enjoyed working with his dad though, and that is good.

It was a nice Mother's Day, laughter and friends and family are my happy things today.

Gideon giving his mom a present for Mother's Day

I took this picture of Gideon after we got home (technically Monday).  He walked from the car and up to the room.  I went downstairs so I could take my medications and came up to him asleep.  We all get to sleep in!  :)

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Saturday the 13th of May--short

It has been long day and I feel I got very little done for the exhaustion that I have.  A friend and I tried to get repairs done at the house but I lost a part.  By the time I got a replacement and a few other things it was time to go.  After I joined my daughter and a bunch of friends who were having a sewing afternoon.  It was nice to visit with people, but I did get a little stir crazy watching everyone else do things.  We all went out to dinner.  Then I left to ice my hand and get some sleep.

Today my happy things are the blooming plants in my yard.


Bleeding Heart among the rose bush, weeds and rhododendron 

Lily of the Valley

Paper Whites