Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The 28th of February

A short post for a short month.  I have so much to do and I am still not feeling like this will happen.  I keep hoping if I get more of the house emptied it will seem more real but I am so far behind on getting it empty...

My happy for today is that I remembered to exercise when I got home from work today.  I like to do the exercising before work but I had a time crunch for a job today and so that came first.

I started my day with a fairly healthy meal.
This is about to be an omelet.
It got wrapped into a flour tortilla with cheese and was really good.

 This is what I had just before coming to bed tonight...
Not quite as healthy as breakfast.  

Monday, February 27, 2017

February 27th

Monday.  Monday is generally my busy day.  It was better today, since we have a new person, I only worked for about 10 hours, plus the 1 hour travel each way.  I am fairly certain that there was another job I was supposed to do s well but it wasn't on my schedule and my boss didn't specifically tell me to go there today, so I didn't.  Tuesday I work on an Air Force Base in their commissary so I need to be up early to get things ready for that.  I was busy enough today that I forgot to take any pictures.  The stars were beautiful tonight when I got home, too bad my phone doesn't do good star shots.  Instead here is a song I heard earlier tonight that seems inspiring.  I am trying to get a list of inspiring songs to bring me up when I am feeling down.  This Rush song is a big one for me.  When I was younger I listened to this every day going to and from work to inspire me to keep working until we got a house.
I did get some crunches and stretches in this morning before going to work.  :)

My happy for today is the internet and YouTube.  Sometimes I am amazed by how much is out there.  Finding a song from just a few remembered lines and then being able to see videos or at least hear it on YouTube is cool.

Not having a picture was bugging me so here is a selfie from my computer.  
Yes, I wear a hat to bed.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The 26th of February

Almost forgot to blog!  Today was pretty productive.  I watched some AT YouTube videos and researched some supplies.  I cleaned most of my kitchen and packed some of it up.  Threw away a bunch of expired food.  Hate that I bought things and didn't eat them.  While doing dishes and sorting things I watched a movie.  Hunter and I went for a walk.  Only 2.3 miles, but he went and jumped into a stream and the temperature was in the 30's today so I thought it best to bring him home to dry.  He is 11 now and already sore even when we don't go walking.  Poor guy.  I did a little bit of food prep for tomorrow.  I even made myself dinner... well, if cooking frozen fish sticks, frozen green beans and heating up frozen brown and serve rolls is making!  It was a start though at cleaning out the freezer.  And I chatted with my son a little and helped a bit with his taxes.

The video I watched has me rethinking what I want for a backpack.  I may have been limiting myself too much by where I was looking to buy.  I am planning to watch one more video on the AT before I go to sleep.  The guy I watched, Bigfoot, didn't bring a stove, I have been thinking along those lines as well so it was nice to hear that others have done that.

For today's happy I got to chat with my son, went for a walk and made progress on the house.

How does he sleep like that?

He is walking on what is normally a rock formed bridge, 
I guess I can't blame him for getting in there.

 Sun starting to set.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Saturday, the 25th of February

Apparently it is a cold for real this time around and not allergies.  Last time the Allegra seemed to kick the sneezy, stuffy nose in the butt, this time not so much.  I slept well at my daughter's last night with my grandson, Gideon by my side and my dog, Hunter, at our feet.  Love doing things with Gideon.  We ended up searching for people's houses on Google Maps and then talking about Astrology of all things!  That is what I get for scanning through my Facebook while I am babysitting.
I had a nice but short visit with his other grandmother when I dropped him off and then headed home.

I had high intentions for my day but I am exhausted.  I got a few things done, ate and then sorted through a bunch of papers.  I may have found everything I need to file my taxes, not sure.  Just before the sun set I got up and decided to go for a walk.  I drove up to the railroad beds and walked about a half mile out and back on each side of the road I parked on, so 2 miles.  I thought I might come home, eat and be in bed by 8, that didn't happen.  Maybe by 10 though.  I try to write a poem for each walk... some days, they come easily, others, not so much.  Today was not an easy day and it took a bunch of time.  My head is just a little bit too stuffed for rhyming I guess.  I had some nice lines go through my head while walking that never made it to 'paper'.  I should be carrying my note book.

For today my happy is time with Gideon, and that the precipitation waited until after my walk to come down.

Muddy trail.

Sun setting


Sleepy head from last night and me with my Eeyore pajama's. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

The 24th of February

Greetings most fabulous Blog reader!  Today I got some sleep and worked some overtime and now I am with Gideon, my grandson, in my Eeyore pajama's and he keeps pretending to be a different character.  First he was Pooh, then Piglet and more.  They keep looking for my tail.  I gave him the Valentine's Lego gift finally.  We sat right down and he put it together while I found the next pieces he needed.

I seem to be coming down with a cold.  It started with most of the same symptoms as last time so I picked up Allegra again.  It doesn't seem to be working though.  If I am not feeling better tomorrow I won't make it to the Mardi Gras party tomorrow night.  I shouldn't be working this weekend but we will see what happens.

This morning started out foggy and overcast but ended bright and warm.  It was like spring.

Since I am again falling asleep while writing, my happy things for today are spending time with Gideon making Lego dogs,

Lego Dog for Valentine's Day

Fog over the cemetery.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The 23rd of February

After getting home this morning, writing yesterday's blog and taking a quick nap, I went to my chiropractor appointment.  She knows how to hurt me.  I got home after that and fell asleep for about an hour in the car.  That is how tired I was, I didn't even make it up to the house.  The neighbor's dog came by to play and my neighbor and I ended up talking for close to an hour I think.  I got a little more sleep before my boss called to have me do more work.  It is Thursday and I was at about 38 hours before going to work this evening.  Now I have stayed up way too late again and need to get some real sleep.  I hope what sleep I get is quality tonight.  Tomorrow and Saturday nights I will be staying at my daughter's house.  Friday to watch my grandson and take him to his other grandmother on Saturday and Saturday night because I am going to a Mardi Gras party by her place and that will be more convenient if I drink.  It will be much easier to find someone sober to take me the 4 miles back to my daughter's or take a cab if I have to. My daughter and her husband are going to a Nerd Con for the weekend.

I may be coming down with a cold or allergies again.  :(

At this point I don't think I will be working over the weekend so I will hopefully get a bunch of stuff done at the house too.  Maybe I will make it to REI or some other retail place with backpacks.  So many things to do and so many other things keep popping up.

Today my happy is the lovely conversation I had with my cousin today.  Her son and his wife recently had a baby and she will be flying to England next week to meet the new addition to the family.  I am so happy for the new parents.

Sun setting.
My snowbanks are shrinking.

February 22nd

Well, since the post from the 21st that I tried to do from my phone didn't work I didn't to it do this time.  I worked overnight again and I am exhausted.  I have a chiropractor appointment in a few hours so I am trying to decide if I stay awake or try to sleep a few minutes and risk missing the appointment.

It was a beautiful day.  I spent a little bit of time outside with Hunter.  We found another ball.  So I think that makes a total of 6 so far that have reappeared as the snow has been melting.

Second day in a row that I am too tired for words.  Perhaps I should use this as a learning experience.  It is a reason for me to write things down as they happen, at least short notes.  I can see where the days on the hike will start to blend together if I don't make notes to keep them in order.  ........................................................................................................................................................zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

↑  That is what happens when I fall asleep at the keyboard.  Ha!

In an attempt to not do that again right now, my happy for today will be the finding of balls due to the melting of snow which could be a sign the spring is coming!!  Also I saw a maple tree tapped!

Random photo.

Tuesday, the 21st of February

This is another attempt at posting using my phone.  My post today will be short.  I have been working since noon, it is just after 2 AM and I have ....
I have no idea what I was going to write because I fell asleep at that point.  I had a 20 minutes nap and then went back to work. 

I am home now and think that sleep should be my happy.  :) 

So the above Blog was written on the phone and it was saved as a draft.  The phone version doesn't have the bold lettering or colored letters and the picture would't stay with the draft so I added that too.

Monday, February 20, 2017

February 20th

There are some people that I am fairly certain think I am a bit bonkers for wanting to hike the Appalachian Trail.  There are more, I think, that are envious.  They may or may not want to hike the trail themselves, but that I have a dream that I am trying to attain.  Miscellaneous conversations with people lately have me thinking about the priorities in life that we set for ourselves.  At least one person I know tends to put work as their priority.  Many people feel that God is their priority.  My priorities tend to change from day to day.  What I want to be my priority is my health.  This is not saying that I am a health nut, because I am not, but without my health what good is work?  I am a person who likes to help others.  It is difficult for me to say no to helping someone.  As I age, I am getting better at it, but giving of myself in a way that helps others tends to make me happy.  In order for me to help others, first I must be mostly healthy, physically and emotionally.  This is part of why overall health is what I feel should be my priority.

Taking care of my health should mean that I am exercising, eating right, getting enough sleep and taking a break when it is an important thing to do.  It is my physical as well as spiritual well being.  I am not good at ANY of these things.  Or at least I don't do them as regularly as I should.  For me, in order for the life balance to work my overall health should be the priority.  My life is way out of balance.  Work will come in and take the front seat and make getting enough sleep, the right foods or exercise extremely challenging.  In order to pay bills and eat I need to work.  That is just the way it is.  If I let myself get too rundown, work suffers.

Having a good relationship with friends and family is part of my spiritual or mental health.  Seeing people, giving and receiving hugs and having meaningful (or not) conversations is important.  I miss playing games with people.  Balancing all these things are what I need to work on.  I need to bring some control to my job so that I can be as healthy as I keep trying to be.

I just went down the YouTube rabbit hole to share this Helen Reddy song.    Enjoy and take care of yourself.  😉

Where does hiking the trail fit in?  It will be a life changing experience that when I finish I believe will be like hitting a reset button on my life and all these bad habits that I have built up for the last 52 years will ideally be gone and I will have new. better habits and routines.  I will have overcome things that I can't even imagine at this point and will come out stronger in mind and body.

Today my happy is that there is at least one new hire that will (finger's crossed) take some of the load off of me so that I can have a more normal schedule for a while and get things done at home.

 Snowbank in a parking lot in NH.

Snowbank in a parking lot in MA.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sunday, the 19th of February

Yesterday I posted that I was making a list of things to do by a specific time so I could go to REI and look into buying a backpack.  I overslept and so did not get to REI.  I did get everything that I wanted to done in time to go to Weaving Circle, so that was good.  It was a short list but some important things that I have been putting off got done.  Tomorrow I am back to work.  I have set my alarm and I will hopefully get out of the house early so I can get home at a fairly reasonable hour.  Monday is generally my longest work day.  More people have been hired though so I am hoping it won't be as bad as usual.

Weaving Circle was really nice today.  We had some deep conversations.  I didn't get much weaving done... well, I wove a little, messed up, un-wove, wove a little, repeat.  It has been too long since I did much weaving and the conversation was deep.  It would be nice to have this project finished before the hike though.  Sitting over the loom for so long today has my back aching again.

The weather was gorgeous today.  Had I not overslept I might have gone for a walk today.  I still did some stretches and some mild physical labor, but I miss my walks.  The beautiful day, playing with Hunter and the generosity of friends (I have some of the most awesome friends) are things for me to be happy about today.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

February 18th

Today was the day that I had decided to be sure that I have my backpack by.  I do not.  There have been a bunch of other things going on and it hasn't happened.  On the plus side of the time thing-sleep has become a bigger priority, eating breakfast and getting a few minutes of exercise or stretching has too.  These are important things.  My mood has improved and that is a wonderful thing.  I am going to make a list of things to do tomorrow and if I am finished with that list by 10:30 I will go to REI.  It will be a short but important list.  Tomorrow is weaving circle and I plan to attend that as well.

While outside playing with Hunter today I thought I heard a sound like an eagle cry.  I looked up and there was not just 1 but 3 birds flying almost overhead.  They weren't eagles.  It would have been nice, but not the case,  They were red tailed hawks but the tails weren't red.  Here is a video I found online to help ID the hawks.

The hawks are my happy for today.

Friday, February 17, 2017

2-17-17 Friday

Some times when I sit down to write this Blog I know what I want to say, tonight I do not.  It was a good day.  Played with Hunter in the morning, worked all day and visited a friend in the evening.  Now I am tired.  I am contemplating how my blogs would be so much better if I wrote them earlier in the day with my mind a little more fresh.  Thankfully I remember what I wanted to post for my happy thing.  It seems like the most I do to prepare for the trail lately is visualize.  It is a good visual.

My happy for today involves playing ball with Hunter.  More often than I care to think about his ball rolls under my car in the driveway while we are playing.  This is an easy find compared to the amount of balls that are lost buried in the deep snow.  His ball is under the car and I am not able to reach it and the car must be moved if we are to continue playing.   I generally do this by having Hunter sit and stay next to the car while I slowly back it up with the door open watching him.  When he stops staying, I stop the car and get out.  Today I stopped the car and was moving slowly with getting out of the car when Hunter brings me the ball.  And then he drops it, at my feet, and it rolls back under the car.  He is a dog, he doesn't really get that what he just did was not a good idea.  He is supposed to get the ball and bring it to me, that is his job.  This time I bring him into the house before moving the car.  I get the ball, chuckling at the situation and then get Hunter so we can play some more before I go to work.  Later I reflected at how good it was to chuckle at the situation instead of get completely frustrated.  Hopefully this upward trend in my demeanor will continue.  😊

 Late morning sun.


Thursday, February 16, 2017

February 16th

What makes us happy one day and not the next?  Is it really just how well we slept the night before?  Or how good that coffee (or whatever one drinks in the morning) tasted?  Or just random hormonal shifts from one day to the next?  Or can it be, as some have suggested just a choice we make, whether conscious or subconsciously?  Does it really matter?  After a rough start this morning I decided to have a good day.  It wasn't an exceptionally rough start.  Mostly just a got out of bed on the wrong side sort.  But as I was getting a little frustrated shoveling snow I thought about how much my back had been hurting just a few days ago and I started to relax with the shoveling and not do it in such a stressful -I have to get this done now- sort of way.  As if that change within myself was some kind of a signal another neighbor came by and used his snowblower to clear off the end of my driveway.  I have some nice neighbors that I really never talk to...

Crows happened today.  Right after I parked my car at the grocery store a crow landed by the door to my car and started squawking at me.  The texts with my daughter went something like this:

Me-Do you want anything at the store?
Daughter-"A working brain"
M-"If I only had a brain... 🎵"
M-"I just had a crow walk on the roof of my car."
D-Grocery list
M-"It was outside the car talking to me... It brought friends."
D-"Remember that Crows remember faces and teach them to their young if deemed appropriate."
M & D- more grocery conversation
M-"When it first started talking to me I just thought of Uncle Bill... it has been a seeing dead people kind of day..."
M-"Let's not read anything into this."

HA!  The crow had the last laugh.  When I went out to the car later on I noticed where a bird had left me a present.  I hope they don't remember me next time.  😏

Today I will choose the sunset and the moon later as my happy things.  In this case the part of the sky is that opposite of where the sun was going down.  It was a gorgeous shade of blue.  I took a picture that I will post at the end.  The darkening blue sky with the white snow covered trees was just lovely.  The moon hung low in the sky on my way home tonight.  It is almost at the third quarter and it looked like a hanging planter that had one broken chain.


The camera didn't get the color true.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The 15th of February

Hunter has 2 beds.  One that is mostly flat with puffy pillow edges and one that is a dog travel bed that is like a big pillow that folds in half with handles.  Our current living situation is weird.  He and I are both sleeping on the floor in the dining room for... reasons.  I roll my sleeping bag and blankets up while I am at work so that Hunter doesn't get them completely covered with dog hair and unroll them to sleep on.  I have some sleeping pads that, until a few days ago, I rolled up too.  I decided to put Hunter's second bed over the sleeping pads.  One of the reasons was to see if he had a preference to which bed he liked.  Yesterday, I forgot to put down the second bed and found scratch marks on the sleeping pad where Hunter had tried to 'fluff up' the pad like he does his beds.  I didn't forget to put his bed over the pad today.  All this leads me to the fact that I now have a dog on his bed that is on my sleeping pads so that I will need to move him before I can sleep!

All in all, my life is pretty good.  A month ago I was pretty miserable.  I hope I am mostly out of that funk now.  I have so much to do it is overwhelming.  I have a job to do too which often takes up more time than it should, but bills must be paid.  Tomorrow the world may end, but today was okay and that is my happy.  My back and knee seem to be responding well to the Naproxen and the stretching and the stuff I bought for my cold seems to be working-or it was allergies-either way, I am feeling better.  I know that others in my life are suffering right now for various reasons and if there was something I could do to ease them, I would.  (((Hugs to the world)))

He looks so comfy.  

Hard to tell from this picture but...
It is snowing again.

February 13th-The post that wouldn't leave my phone

I may have done damage to my back.  It was just an irritating ache most of the day.  As the Naproxen that I took in the morning wore off it became much more.  Tomorrow I will remember to bring some with me.  I have taken one and am going to attempt sleep.  It is just after 5 AM and I got home about 30 minutes ago.  Really hoping it doesn't take long to kick in.

My happy for today will be what I posted on Facebook earlier, in a group about getting healthier that I am a part of...

 This morning I woke up with a cold. So far I have done 20 crunches and a bunch of stretches, I was outside for an hour and 50 minutes to shovel (there were small breaks, but outside), I had cream of wheat for breakfast and a can of chicken noodle soup for lunch, some echinacea tea and 2 glasses of OJ and some water too. So I would like to think that I am off to a good start. 

9 inches atop my car.  The town next to me got 15.  I think some blew away.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

Yesterday I attempted to post my Blog from my phone.  It won't post.  It also didn't save as a draft which seems pretty weird too.  If I can't get it to send soon I will rewrite it on the computer.  This doesn't bode well for my blogging from the trail though.  It is nice to have learned this ahead of time I guess.

It was difficult to get out of bed this morning because my back hurt so much.  It took a while to stand straight.  I did some careful stretches and eventually went to work.  I also applied ice and heat at different times.  I haven't overdone the Naproxen yet, but I have done the limit twice.  I am not taking one before bed tonight but leaving it right next to me to take in the middle of the night or before I get out of bed just in case.

Work was challenging at first but eventually my stretching while working paid off and I was feeling much better by the time I left for the day. So the things that are a bit more drilled into me are how important it is to stretch and how utterly important stretching is and making it into a routine to bring with me hiking will be.

After work I had a nice visit with a friend and that, as well as finding my heating pad and some modern medicines, are today's happy things.

Live, Laugh, Love selfie for Valentine's Day.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 12th-Snow storm

Shoveled for about 2 and a half hours today and there is still more snow coming.  In between shoveling and taking breaks from shoveling I got a little bit of cleaning and reorganizing done in the kitchen.  Not as much as I had hoped, but I slept until noon, so that was good.  I am still not sure that this hike will be a reality this year, or ever.  Hopefully ever.  There is so much to be done.  Work seems to take up more time than it should.  Part of that is my tendency to fall asleep when I get there or having to pull over on the way because I am tired.  Tonight I hope to turn in very soon after posting this and hopefully start off the week well.  Getting out of the house early on Mondays would be great.  It won't happen tomorrow because I will need to shovel again first.

Anyhow, today's happy is copied from what I wrote in Map My Hikes program:

Number 2 shoveling done for the day. A not so short telling. If people don't mind not being able to open their car door my driveway can fit at least 6 cars. There are 2 parked there now to shovel around. I live on a narrow road that will allow, barely, 2 cars to pass one another. Generally one pulls as far over as they can to let the other go by. The plows don't plow about 2-3 feet off my side of the road making it even more challenging for drivers. This, as well as my driveway, I get to shovel. I try not to make the piles by the road too high because I won't be able to see cars coming when exiting my driveway. Tonight as I was pushing the snow from the road, passed the cars, and over the already high snowbank, I decided that using the sled would be more efficient. I am not sure if it was or not, but it was more fun. Fill the sled, drag it back and over the snowbank, dump it out, ride the sled to get back to the driveway. It was probably only 3 feet high, and got shorter the more I used it, still more fun than just shoveling. There will be more to shovel in the morning and I hope I can still lift my arms then. ;)

This stuff is good.

Me, after being out in the snow around an hour and 45 minutes.

After Round 2-still needs work but I was tired.

Snow falling.

My little sledding hill.  :) 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Saturday the 11th of February

It occurred to me that I have not been adulting well lately.  Adulting-I wonder how long before that word enters the dictionary.   There are things that I get done and those that I wait to do until I have to, much like a child or adolescent.   I am sure there are people that I know that feel my wanting to hike the Trail is not the most mature thing I have decided to do.  Sometimes I agree.  :)  Other times I look at everything I need to do just to start and I am overwhelmed, but know that getting there is an adulting step forward.  I am 52, why am I even concerned about this?  I don't know.  This is my Blog and it seems to be more and more like a journal so sharing is what I will do.

As for happy things for today... I came home to a plowed driveway this morning!  It was snowing again though and I cleared that out with a little bit of help from my neighbor.  Unfortunately I missed the birthday party today because of work.  I got there, but after everyone had left.  I visited for a few minutes before heading out again.  This morning my phone managed to fall out of my pocket into the yard of my daughter.  I went the whole day without the phone.  I am not sure how I managed without, but I have it back now, phew!  ;)  Isn't it odd how we are so tied to these devices.  Had I needed to call anyone, I doubt I could have found a phone booth!

I lost my phone and so I didn't have it to take lots of pictures.  I took this one after getting gas tonight.

Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10th-Friday

Another appointment with my doctor this morning.  The drive there was bright.  Quite a bit of glare from the sun on the wet roads and fresh snow.  I missed my exit and had to go to the next and come back to get to the office.  The appointment went well though.  I think I am on the right track and if I can keep getting enough sleep and better incorporate exercises I will hopefully continue to feel better and my leg will ache less.  Then I spent the day working.  I was hoping to go home tonight but I am still at my daughter's.  Tomorrow I will go home early with Hunter and shovel out a quick path before going to work and a birthday party in the evening.

Some days just happen.  Those are the days when it can be more difficult to find something that happened as a happy part of the day.  Some days are filled with happiness.  Today was just a day, but some things stand out.  The sun setting was beautiful tonight.  I got to bunk with my grandson last night and we both slept well.  I made it to the garage to get my car before it became paid parking.  My doctor and I agree on what to do to help me feel better.  I have a job.  My children are awesome.  My daughter is making the cake for the birthday party tomorrow-she is so talented!  All these things are good and help me be happy.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

The 9th of February-sad day.

As the time moves on toward when I want to leave I am less and less prepared.  I question whether I will be ready.  Today was spent at the dentist and at a wake for someone who left this world way too soon.  There was also a snow storm so I am spending the night at my daughter's house rather than drive home tonight.

My happy is that my neighbor will be plowing my driveway for me.


I love this hat.  I was not driving when I took this picture.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

February the 8th

There are so many things I want to be doing.  My house is the biggest thing holding me back.  A friend came over today and we walked through and his opinion is that getting rid of my stuff needs to happen as soon as possible and a few things to fix.  Other than that, selling as a fixer upper is the way to go.  I am hoping to have a day off Sunday to commit to working on the house and not have to do the day job, or doctor appointments, etc.  Tomorrow is a storm but I have a dentist appointment and a wake/funeral.  These are more important.

Today my happy is getting to visit with my friend that looked at the house.  We chat online occasionally but don't get much face time.

It isn't obvious, but I warmed up my cereal.
It was pretty good warm.
Kashi with honey.

The 7th of February- short

It snowed.  I shoveled.  I wrote 2 quick poems to go with the shoveling...

Shovel, shovel toil and struggle
Clearing the path to my hovel
Down, down the snow is falling
I am pushing and hauling
Inside I go to warm up
A warm cup of tea to sup

Double shovel toil and struggle
Cleaned again the path to hovel.
About 4 and a half inches on the roof of my car
Heading off to work, the first stop is not very far.

Today my happy is getting home alive and with no accidents.   The roads are slippery.

Wet hat.

Just over 4.5 inches on top of the car.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Monday February 6th

Today is a big work day so I don't really do anything but think about hiking.  Lately that thinking involves how much I want my knee and back to stop hurting so I won't feel like I am damaging them.

Happy things for today...

While working in a grocery store a Song starts playing, as they tend to do.  From the next aisle I here a young voice singing along.   Very cute hearing the little one singing "Shut up and dance with me" and he seemed to know-or at least think he knew- many of the words.  I am guessing he was around 4 years old.

Another thing that happened is someone came up to see if I knew where something was.  He was an older Asian man who spoke heavily accented English but he couldn't come up with the name for what he wanted.  So he was saying that he wanted a cup for cream.  He held his fingers in a circle which implied a small cup.  I didn't get it.  I was thinking cream, like half and half.  I was also thinking cup like custard cup.  After a few more tries and him saying that he couldn't think of the word he points to the ice cream and mimics eating an ice cream cone!  I got it!  He wanted to know where the ice cream cones were!  I felt like we won a game of charades!  Accents are an interesting thing... some I can understand fairly well and others not so much.  This man could have had a much heavier accent, I understood what he said, he just couldn't think of the word.  Sometimes the people that I help find things stick out in a good way, this was one of those times.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

February 5th-Superbowl Sunday

This morning I slept in-that was nice.  I did  few little things around the house and then went to Fun World, a nearby arcade type place, to help my grandson celebrate his 5th birthday.  I played too many games that reminded me of my youth and I am rejoicing in the fact that this place is far enough away to be inconvenient.  If it were closer to home or on the way to something I frequent, I would be in major debt.  It was fun to play Skeeball and Centipede again, even if just for a little while.

After that, food was eaten and then we went to Sub Zero for ice cream.  I hadn't been to one before and it was kind of fun to watch them freeze my ice cream the way I wanted.  If I go again I will experiment with other flavors.  I chose caramel, which was very good, but there were many other non-chocolate options I could have tried.

Then I went to a friend's to watch the Superbowl.  I am not a football person.  I have many friends who are though and I like spending time with my friends.  I am starting to understand the game a bit better though and found the game quite enjoyable.  Maybe it helps that the Patriot's won, after coming out from way behind and that this was the first ever Superbowl to end up in overtime.

The happy things for today are family, friends and football.


Kind IS Cool

Boating 😉

Sunset behind my beautiful daughter