Here it is, my final post of 2017. I'm sitting in bed still feeling miserable with a cold while the rest of the family goes off to a party. The cold medication I took is not doing much or I would have gone too. Instead I will be staying home and playing video games or sleeping or watching something on Netflix.
This year has seen so many changes and plans gone awry. When I began the blog a year ago I had expected that I would be hiking the Appalachian Trail for much of the year. That didn't happen. In no particular order other things did... I had a work injury and spent some time recovering and only working part time, then a new career presented itself. My dog passed away. I moved in with my daughter, son-in-law and grandson, emptying my home into storage. I went from sleeping on the floor, cot or a couch to investing in a bed. 2 weeks ago I finally left the job that I had been with for 11 years. My new job, as a para educator, will be my professional future for now.
Will I hike the AT? I sure hope so. When I decided to apply for the job as a para I knew that if I got it my plans would have to change. The time off I will have in the summer is not long enough to do a through hike. Not returning in the fall is a possibility but I am already feeling like I will want to keep this job. That feeling could change by the time June gets here, but right now, I like the job and people I am working with. The kids are great, most of the time. Sometimes I feel like I might be able to make a positive difference in at least one of them. It could happen. I don't mean that I will be remembered for all time by them, but positive influences can happen.
The following showed up on the Facebook feed of a friend from high school (thank you):

It seems to be a paraphrase of :
“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.”― Brad Paisley
As this year comes to a close I am finishing my 365 day Blog and making the decision as to whether to start a new one. For whatever reason, this is my 366th blog of 2017, I don't remember why I blogged twice one day, it wasn't a leap year. Anyhow, I am fairly certain that I found at least one thing every day to be either happy about or thankful for. These are things that I have sent out to the universe for good. This is not to say that I haven't been sad, or angry, or hurt or boring or any other number of more negative emotions in these blogs, but I always tried to find something good every day. It has been an important thing for me and so there will be another year of blogging. Writing this daily (more or less) for an entire year is a large accomplishment for me and is my happy for today.
My wish for the coming year is that people find peace, good health and happiness. Acceptance and respect to all is something I also wish for everyone, it's a tall order, I know.
Much love and peace.
To begin tomorrow: 2018 Blog