Sunday, September 3, 2017

September the 2nd--Harper's day 2

 Sept 2

This is the first time we have offered a meal plan at a weekend event as a Barony.  It seems to be working alright,  I am sure the man running it has had some ideas for improvement with implementing, that is what usually happens the first time around,  but the food has been great so far.  I helped clean up after in the kitchen and let Gideon play in the dining hall,  thinking his mom should arrive anytime.   She didn't.   Eventually I checked my phone and she had classes to teach and was getting ready for and teaching them.   I knew she had classes,  just didn't know when.   So Gideon and I got to spend more time together.  

By the time mid afternoon arrived I was ready for and took a nap.   My daughter woke me up in time for feast.  A tradition we have is to toast the royalty, then the the Baron and Baroness followed by the autocrat and cooks,  servers etc.  The people who speak the toasts are chosen by order of precidence.  So the Baron toasts their majesties, Baroness their highnesses,  then whoever the highest ranking people are following that.  Any how, in the room tonight I ranked high enough to be the person to toast the autocrat.   She is a dear friend,  and I messed up her last name.   😐  Public speaking fail for me. Tomorrow I hope for a lesson.  

During a lull between courses Gideon gets up and decides to perform for the Baron and Baroness and the rest of the head table.   He didn't tell anyone,  just decided to do it.  Not being at the head table,  we didn't hear a lot of what went on,  but it seemed to be an imaginary magic card trick.  

After great was the bardic competition.
What I caught of the bardic competition was really good.   There are some really talented people who came to perform.   My daughter was among them.   I did get part of that on video.  

It was a good day,  many things to be happy for.   But along with the above was the arrival of my toothbrush --- which I forgot at home --- followed by my getting to brush my teeth.   Some people like to say they aren't human until they have had their coffee, I hate coffee,  I need to brush my teeth!

The pictures are backwards in time... hopefully I chose well.  I prefer to do this on my computer.

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