Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The 7th of March

Having worked all night again I am writing this on the morning of the 8th.  Generally my overnights get me home around 3 or 4.  It is just after 9:30 AM and I have not gone to bed yet.  I had to pull over for a power nap on my way home.  I really wish I hadn't been so tired.  I kept falling asleep at work and got lucky more times than I care to admit on the drive home.  Had I been more awake I may have been able to work faster and get home earlier.  As it was, Hunter was in the house way too long.  When I got home he was having a mild seizure.  I think it has been over a year since he has had one.  I got home around 8 and have been taking care of him for the most part since then.  He seems to be okay now.  Stiff, but he has eaten and been outside to do his business.  I am hoping after we both rest he will want to play.  If not, I will be calling the vet.  This incident is why I need to work harder at either making my hours more regular or finding a different job.  

From this I will head straight to something happy.  Sleep is something I am eagerly awaiting now and will consider that a happy for today, er... the 7th.  Since I keep falling asleep typing this, that and the pictures below are my happy things.

It is hard to tell from this picture, but there is a new light layer of ice on the lake.

Wall built by my father with the state of NH stone.

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