Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 30th -Vlog

My son-in-law helped me with work today so we all went out to dinner tonight as a thank you.  It was a very enjoyable meal and the company was awesome.  That is today's happy.  We went to a Mexican restaurant and and I ordered a taco salad and it was SO good!

No pictures today.  ðŸ˜‘


Saturday, April 29, 2017

Saturday, the 29th of April

With work and that my hand has been misbehaving less, I had been using that hand occasionally to type-at least a little.  Tonight I am sitting here with an ice pack alternating between my hand and elbow because it all seems to be tingling, just a little.  I only worked outside of the house for a little while today but I may have overdone it.  Hopefully sleep will be very restorative tonight.  

Driving today for work I crossed over the Connecticut River and was reminded of a little geology lesson I once had.  The land and rocks that make up the states of Vermont and NH are much different.  The difference is very noticeable.  I found this article that explains it better than I can.  Suffice it to say, I drove by some beautiful and different scenery today.

Some windows are open in my room and there is occasional breeze bringing fresh air into the room, rustling a plastic bag on a shelf.  This brings to mind camping last year in my new tent on the backyard.  Fresh air and oh so many stars.  How long will this injury last?  I want to go camping.  The fresh night air is my happy for today.


Friday, April 28, 2017

April the 28th-Vlog

After talking with a friend today about my plumbing problem, I finally 'get' some of what needs to happen. I am fairly confident that I can, with help-because injury-get a good part of it done.  Friends and plumbing fixes are my happy for today.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The 27th of April

Well, I went to a job today and survived.  I was pretty anxious leading up to the whole thing.  When I got home I iced my wrist and hand.  The time away from driving had been good to my knee and that is already bugging me a little.  More exercise is what I need.  I walked to the library tonight to see a friend talk about tiny houses.  We went to dinner after and had a nice, fun visit.  This reminded me that I need to get out more.  ðŸ˜Ž  With friends... 🙋  and family... 🙌

Mostly because of my injury I am pushing off the AT until next year.  ðŸ˜¢  This gives me more time to prepare and that is what I am going to work towards.  Well, getting my hand and arm better is the priority of course, but I want to plan a bunch of hikes and such later in the summer--when I should have been hiking the trail.  I am debating doing small sections of the trail nearby, or other places that I would like to hike nearby that are not part of the trail.  I've been wanting to hike some more 4000+ footers.  As soon as I can wear my day pack I think I would like to do some smaller things though. Perhaps I should get my chiropractor's opinion next week.

Dinner with a friend is my happy for the day.   More signs of spring and milder weather brightened my mood tonight along with the fantastic company.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 26th-Vlog

Lately my daughter has been getting into her art work and practicing painting.  My happy for today is getting to watch her art evolve and listening to her journey as she learns more about the medium she is using and the history of what she is recreating.

Brain Games TV Show website   

The Episode with the cheerleaders.

The river and some budding trees.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 25th-back to work

The first half of the day I didn't think my supervisor would be in touch with me about going back to work.  Thankfully she did and I have a little bit of time I can bill for, all from home.  My wrist and hand became very achy and I iced them for quite a while after.  This is going to be very difficult for me because I don't like to take breaks.  I forget to and it is imperative that I take them.
I called workman's comp and left a message but haven't heard back from them.  I just need to know if they will make up any difference if I am unable to work full time because of this injury.
Two short walks today between the heavy rains.  Tomorrow should be more rain.  When I go back to my house (staying with my daughter still) I will get some other shoes so I can walk in the rain and have something dry to put on my feet after.

The sound of the rain hitting the roof is very loud in my room.  It is kind of comforting some how.  I tried to record it but it just isn't the same.  The sound of the rain that will soon be helping me sleep is my happy for today.

No pictures today so some rainy songs.

Here Comes the Rain Again

I Love a Rainy Night

3 AM

Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday the 24th of April-Vlog

For today my happy is getting to talk with my son who is currently living in Texas.  We made some alternate plans for possibly hiking the AT next year as this injury has set everything back for me.

More budding trees. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 23rd

My son-in-law and I went to try to fix the water problems at my house today.  We needed some parts but they are not at either of the box stores (Lowe's or Home Depot).  It is possible that I am being to particular as to what I want for parts, but the end result was still that nothing was fixed.  
Tomorrow is my appointment with the orthopedic doctor.  I am hoping that this goes well and that I won't need any surgery.  
I had a nice walk this afternoon.  The weather was beautiful today and since the work at the house didn't happen, I am glad I was able to get out and enjoy it for a little while.  Walking more because it is what I can do.
My daughter and I finished the first season of Wynonna Earp on Netflix.  We both really enjoyed it.  The one liners are great.  It is not for kids, at all.  Paranormal activities, curses and sex as well as blood and violence mean that we have been watching whenever Gideon is away or watching something else in the other room.  

For today my happy is my walk and day 2 of making my step goal.  

Budding tree!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

April 22nd Vlog

My happy for today is that I can vacuum left handed!  Sometimes it really is the small things that are the biggest.  Also, Gideon and I participated in the March for Science.

Here is a link to the song on YouTube from the show Gideon talked about in the Vlog.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Friday, the 21st of April

I went to my house today in an attempt at cleaning it out some more.  I fell asleep.  In my defense, We went to bed late and Gideon woke up in the middle of the night with the sniffles.  Then I couldn't get back to sleep right away and had to get up early to get to my house.  Any how, I did go through some things and I cleaned up some files on my computer.  So some things got done, just not as much as I would have liked.  Then after being careful all day, I went to zip my pants up and tweaked that nerve in my wrist that is causing all these problems.  It seems to be recovering faster than when all this started, so that is a good sign.  Monday I see another specialist.  I am hoping that whatever the answer may be, it isn't surgery.

My happy for today is the time I am getting to spend with all of my daughter's family, but a special shout out today to her husband.  We are commuting together on days when there are no appointments so that I am not driving so much but still getting to my house to get stuff done.  It is nice to get to know him a little more on a one on one basis.

An old picture I found today.
The development date claims 1956, but it had to be taken in the late 1930's or early 1940's.
These 2 were born in 1933 and I am fairly certain they were in the Army in 1956.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

The 20th of April-Thursday-Vlog

Trees are budding, flowers are blooming and the weather is getting better.  This and spending fun time with Gideon are my happy things today.

Easter Blog Link

Gideon helped me catch a Pokemon.

Spring is here!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wednesday the 19th of April-short

My posts rarely mention what this Blog should be about anymore.  At this time my injured, overuse syndrome hand is taking forever to mend while I go crazy trying not to use it.  I took my time and did some rearranging and reorganizing of my room at my daughter's today.  It seems I will be here a while.  This is not a bad thing. The reasons that I am here are the bad things.  Having family to stay with is a blessing.

The trees are starting to bud.  The new growth is my happy for today.


Budding tree.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The 18th of April

This morning I got up early and drove my son-in-law to work so I could spend the day at my house and drive less to do so.  I was productive for a while but got distracted by a friend texting me and  fell asleep.  I sorted through some old files, added to a pile of clothes to get rid of and went through a box of photos.  That was fun and I will post some of the photos below.

Vlog per Gideon request.

And so I again I am trying to enter things while falling asleep.  zzzz

My happy for today is that I was productive in cleaning the house, even if only a little.

When we were much younger.

Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17th

Today at the grocery store in town I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in about 15 years.  We are connected through Facebook and live in the same town and never see each other.   It was great  to see him if only for a few minutes.  

My hand seemed a little improved today.  Hopefully it will continue this way.  I saw the occupational therapist as well as chiropractor.
My son-in-law and I got some things out of my brother's place that I have been storing there.  I have too much stuff.  Tomorrow I plan to sort through things at my house as long as my hand permits.  

Too tired tonight...

My happy for today is bumping into old friends.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter or Holiday of your choice!

This morning we got up early for an Easter Sunrise Service in the city.   Most years I try to go to the service near my home.  That one over looks the lake and watching the sun rise over the lake is always beautiful.   This was in the city. 
The pastor commented about how beautiful the sun rising in the city can be with the sun reflecting off the buildings and bringing the city to life.   He is right,  of course.   We went to a parking garage to see the sun coming up over the city after the service.   It was a beautiful beginning to a lovely day.
I spent the day with my son-in- law's family.   Good food with special people is what it is all about.   :)  We ended with a walk through a local park.  
I really miss the usual tradition with my dad's side of the family, but things change.
During the day I kept catching a few minutes at a time to add to this blog on my phone.  It seemed to work fairly well.  I am getting better at using swipe on my phone left-handed.

After the service Gideon needed to use the restroom at the church and we had decided to watch the sun come up more over the city by going to the top of a parking garage.  I decided to walk, it wasn't far.  As I approached the garage I saw the top of their van going up a ramp and I decided to run a little to the stairs and try to meet them at the top.  I got there just as someone was getting out of the vehicle but it wasn't them!  Right color, but that was it!  Exercise is good!  :) 

Today my happy is spending time with family and friends of course.  :)

This is a little blurry but it almost looks like a painting because of that... weird.

After the service.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

April 15th

Time to type with my left h and again.  I feel I am able to say what I want better this way.  Less rambling maybe too.  I made it to my house today for a little while.  Got a few things cleaned up.  I am again considering what I want to do when I grow up (haha).  I haven't been sleeping well again.  That tells me that I need to do more and that my frustration level about not working is going up.  My life is a country song lately, I need to turn it into Rock & Roll or Folk or something... Is there a music genre that is always upbeat?  The song should be something about how tired I am!!  ðŸ˜´

I had a little bit of time this morning that I used to lookup some poetry terms and people.  I read 2 poems by the Poet Laureate John Betjeman.  Interesting, and I may read more before falling asleep.

My adventure this year has become getting my arm to mend.  I am looking forward to being able to hike in the woods again, even if just for half an hour.

Today's happy things are that I got a short visit with a friend today and found my favorite Easter candy.

Friday, April 14, 2017

April 14, 2017 Vlogs

My day blog...

Aquarium Vlog by Gideon

Today my happy is something I didn't mention, I was listening to a self-help book today and 
and decided to work harder at learning new things while I am trying to get better.  So reading and educational videos and such for me.  Not just AT stuff, but broadening my horizon's a bit too.  

The lake.

Forsythias are starting to bloom!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13th--short and boring and disjointed

Too tired tonight.  I have been very tired lately.   I am not sure why.  Being out of work I have had so much more sleep than I used to.  I do so little during the day but I am still exhausted in the evening.  The Occupational Therapist gave me a new thing for my arm today.  This covers my elbow and has a gel cushion in it to protect from accidental bumps and such.  

It was a lovely day out.  My grandson and I walked to the store and got some missing ingredients for dinner.  I forgot to take pictures again so there will be another moon picture.  Soon, maybe my hand will be better and I will be able to set the tent up and camp under the starts in my yard again.

Today my happy is the moon.  Some nights I think the moon is trying to tell me something if only I could hear what it was...

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12th-Vlog

I managed to stop recording right before we said goodnight on the vlog.  My happy things for today are getting out for a 3 mile walk and playing a new game with Gideon.

Here is a link to the show Gideon talked about in the vlog, Crash Course Government and Politics.

The moon through the window tonight.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April the 11th

Trying to type tonight with my left hand.  My grandson and I went for a nice walk this morning.  He lasted a full 1.5 miles-before breakfast.  Such a trooper.  I did my best one-handed to help my daughter warp a loom for inkle weaving.  Turns out I forgot how to, but we figured it out.  And I went to see the occupational therapist today.  There is no way to tell how long an injury like this will take to heal.  I want it to all be better now.

Today my happy things are hearing from old friends and listening to my grandson sing.

Gideon on our walk.

The river and dam.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 9th--vlog short

It was a good day.  My happy things are hugs, dessert and sunsets.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

April the 8th--Vlog

An article about a new game that Gideon and his dad were playing tonight-Kami 2.  ( I did not read the article)

The team my daughter participated with today in a sawing competition of sorts won the competition!  That is my happy for today.  So happy for the team.  

Gideon at the park.

I am not sure why I didn't realize this sooner.  Holding my left and right hands together, my right thumb is not able to extend as far as the left.  

Friday, April 7, 2017

Friday the 7th of April--Vlog and lots of pics

On the walk we took today Gideon spent some time in a tree and we saw some beautiful old buildings.  These are my happy things for today and that I don't have Lupus.  ðŸ˜Œ

Gideon on a tree.
